Tuesday, June 8, 2010

T.E.A.M. International operations

I am writing this time from the United States. We successfully moved the office to San Jose, where Clifford will be running things for the next few months. Thankfully everything is going well so far, we even have the satellite internet set up there! A major concern is the power source, as there is only solar power there, and we do not have a big enough bank of batteries to keep it running much, especially as rainy season minimizes the available solar hours! Please pray with us about this situation!

As a result of our meetings with the Agriculture Department, the pastors have been provided with some plants that can be used as a supplement to their pig feeding program. Clifford has been busy picking up and distributing those.

We are trying to keep coordinated on projects while I am away, needing to continue to progress with Bible study translation, as well as working actively on the pig processing facility progress. We would appreciate your prayers for knowledge and wisdom in finding the correct steps to take, obtaining the right information, and especially for funding for the project as well as day to day operations.

Please pray especially for Clifford as he continues things on that end, for his health, for the pickup to run well, and for provision for his needs.

God is good, and we praise His name for all that He is doing!

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